Cause you already have a basic first aid kit for human injuries, so preparing a pet first aid kit may as simple as adding some crucial items. You can buy a ready-made kit or make your own. Be sure to include a leash, necktie, dishtowel, or similar soft cloth item to use as a muzzle, or purchase a muzzle to put in your kit. Your dog may lash out in fear and pain. Securing his muzzle keeps you both safe in an emergency. Include non-stick bandages, self-cling gauze, and paper tape to dress wounds in an emergency. You may also want to include a pet thermometer to help determine if your pet is too hot or too cold. Other useful items can include splint supplies, compresses, antiseptic spray and wipes, gloves, tweezers, eyedroppers, plastic syringes for giving oral medication, clean towels, blankets, and a natural product to help calm your animal.